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Aug 20
​How Cloud computing is changing our lives

In the last few years, we have seen an impressive increase in the usage of Cloud services. Just to put some numbers the entire Cloud Market was worth a whopping 312 billion in 2020, and the projections say it will grow by a third by the end of 2027.

Cloud service can be divided for  the different purposes and application used for, and there are 3 main implementation:

  • SaaS – System Infrastructure Software.
  • Paas - Platform as a service.
  • IaaS - Infrastructure as a service.

Paas is a software distribution model aimed to help mostly business with the access of resources (tools hardware etc) through the cloud.

Paas is the usage of some sort of cloud network to consume something, for example streaming platforms like Netflix.

And finally, we have Saas a type of cloud computing service that offers essential compute, storage, and networking resources on demand.

In the last category, we can find consumer focused Cloud Storage services such as DropBox, Google Drive and iCloud.

Now you would ask why I mentioned this. At Hypersoft we have tried to give an alternative to our clients, to use the cloud while not using the cloud! How?

Well, the technology at the foundation of Omnicontext Cloud is called Enclosed Cloud but it doesn't need any service or extraneous computer power.

What is an Enclosed Cloud?

An enclosed Cloud is a storage system that doesn't require to upload files anywhere else other than your devices. This technology creates a safe and private network among your devices.

This means that all your data will be synched by using the free space on the hardware you own instead of relying on a third-party server. That's why is called Enclosed Cloud. Photos, videos or documents that might be sensitive are always safe between the walls of your home.

But how the devices interact with each other? Thanks to an internet domain the devices will result in the same network, and then the DNS are going to locate all the devices in the cloud, you can run your own DNS server or use any existing internet domain providers.

All the connections are P2Ps and therefore files never stay in an intermediary unknown location, decreasing possible vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, the complete history of the data in an Enclosed Cloud is registered in a blockchain. Files version is tracked to an extent that is always possible to monitor previous changes in the infrastructure, which also guarantees the correct integrity of the files.

For additional info visit our website dedicated to Omnicontext Cloud. Here.


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